The Food Intersections Symposium is taking place at the University of Delaware on May 12, 2018. The day will consist of a combination of paper sessions, a keynote featuring Frances Moore Lappé and Anna Lappé, and an activist workshop among symposium participants and attendees.Use this website to find the detailed schedule, more information on symposium participants and to RVSP for the keynote presentation. 


The one-day symposium is open to the public and wider UD campus community.

Registration is free. Parking is free.


Join us for the Community Voices Workshop: There will be snacks and drinks provided at the Community Voices Workshop, which features UD's Women of Consequence and Urban Farmer and advocate Chanowk Yisreal. The workshop is an opportunity for symposium attendees to discuss food systems issues, community and UD campus assets, and possibilities for collaboration toward building the kind of food systems we want to participate in.


Be inspired by the keynote: Power, Democracy, and the Future of Food 

In this energizing keynote, national bestselling authors and mother-daughter duo Frances Moore Lappé (Diet for a Small Planet) and Anna Lappé (Grub: Ideas for an Urban Organic Kitchen) explore the intersections between power, democracy, and what’s on our plates. With their signature blend of critical analysis and hopeful solutions, the Lappé’s seek answers to big questions: How do we free ourselves from scarcity scaremongering to build real power? Where can we find examples of communities catalyzing  democratic change to create a more sustainable and just food system? Sharing examples from around the country, and pulling from a collective 70 years’ experience writing and thinking about the root causes of hunger, the Lappé’s offer surprising insights and an inspiring multi-generational perspective on one of the most persistent paradoxes of our time: Hunger amidst plenty.   




Symposium Schedule: Saturday May 12, 2018


9:00-10:15am Welcome and Paper Session 1 
10:30-11:30am UD Grad Student Presentations
11:30am Break for lunch 
1:00-2:15pm Paper Session 2 
2:30pm Women of Consequence Performance
3:00pm Community Voices Workshop
5:30pm Keynote: Frances Moore Lappe & Anna Lappe